The Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences has been promoting cooperation between German and Israeli academics in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem since 2010.
The Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences and Cultural Studies supports interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue by promoting young academics from Germany and Israel. The foundation fund was established on the joint initiative of the then Federal Minister of Education, Annette Schavan, and the former Rector of the Hebrew University, Prof. Sarah Stroumsa.
Since 2010, ten outstanding postdoctoral researchers – five from each of the two countries – have been accepted for funding each year; in 2023, 34 scholarship holders will receive funding.
In addition, there are more than 70 alumni and two senior fellows. The research activities take place at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2022, alumna Dr. Verena Krebs received the Dan David Prize endowed with 300,000 euros; in 2020, the then fellow Dr. Hannelies Koloska received an ERC Starting Grant endowed with 1.5 million euros.
The capital of the “consuming” foundation under civil law in the amount of 20 million euros comes from BMBF funds. A programme evaluation took place in 2017, which underlined the foundation’s successes.
Gabi Schneider
Phone: +972 2 5883901
The Martin Buber Society of Fellows
in the Humanities and Social Sciences
c/o The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
322 Mt. Scopus
9190501 Jerusalem, Israel