Of great importance for the cooperation between the two countries is the interministerial research cooperation. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research works closely with the Israeli Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology and the Israeli Ministry of Economics.
Funding announcements for scientific cooperation with Israel usually follow the thematic priorities that result from the interministerial cooperation between the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and its Israeli partner ministries.
These include, in particular, cancer research, water technologies, marine research, nano- and quantum technologies, but also announcements in other thematic fields. Funding is provided for pure research projects, “2+2” projects as well as industrial cooperation with Israeli partners.
For general information on BMBF funding opportunities, please get in touch with your contact person at DLR Projekträger.
Current funding announcements of the BMBF and other ministries on German-Israeli cooperation can be found here.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research also publishes its current announcements on the BMBF website (only in German).
Funding experts advise you on the thematic areas and funding measures of interministerial cooperation.