Key Enabling Technologies

Leuchtende Glühbirne an der ein Schlüssel lehnt
© sommart –

Germany and Israel cooperate in various fields in the so-called key enabling technologies. Frontier technologies (such as artificial intelligence and quantum technologies) are also of increasing economic interest for bilateral exchange. Cooperation takes place at both bilateral and multilateral level.

New Materials and Nanotechnology

zur Unterseite Nanotechnologien
© Sergey Nivens –

The German-Israeli research cooperation on new materials and nanotechnology grew out of earlier projects on research into magnesium alloys for use in batteries. As part of the sixth German-Israeli government consultations in 2016, both countries agreed to cooperate on applied nanotechnology.

Quantum Technologies

zur Unterseite Quantentechnologien
© Psylaw –

As high-tech locations, both Israel and Germany have recognised the enormous technological potential of quantum technologies and have initiated numerous corresponding activities and funding measures in recent years.

Civil Security

zur Unterseite Zivile Sicherheit
© sippapas –

In the context of civil security research, Israel and Germany have so far cooperated to protect critical infrastructures, such as energy and water supply, road and goods traffic, and to maintain a high level of security for citizens.

Optical Technologies and Photonics

zur Unterseite Optische Technologien und Photonik
© Aleksandr Matveev –

Within the framework of the cooperation programme, commercial enterprises received support in the research and development of new generations of lasers and in developing new fields of application.